Sublette County, WY Mines

Mines in Sublette County, WY

Mine Owner Land Status Work Type Minerals
Airport Pit Private Sand and Gravel
Alexander Pit Private Sand and Gravel
Apex Pit Private Sand and Gravel
Bar Cross Pit Private Sand and Gravel
Bartlett Creek Area National Forest Phosphorus
Big Fall Creek National Forest Stone, Dimension
Bondurant Pit Clarks Redi-Mix And Concrete National Forest Sand and Gravel
Bud's Pit Federal Sand and Gravel
Cliff Creek Deposit National Forest Iron
Cora Pit Private Sand and Gravel
Daylite Pit Federal Sand and Gravel
Dry Piney Pit Federal Sand and Gravel
Dump Pit Federal Sand and Gravel
East Shoal Creek and Dell Creek Prospect National Forest Phosphorus
Eleven Seventy Pit Federal Sand and Gravel
F Bar Cross Seventy Six Private Sand and Gravel
Fisherman Pit C. R Roberts And Sons Cons National Forest Sand and Gravel
Five Eighty Two Pit #2 Federal Sand and Gravel
Five Thirty Two Pit #1 Federal Sand and Gravel
Forty Rod North Private Sand and Gravel
Forty Rod Pit Private Sand and Gravel
Franz Pit Private Sand and Gravel
Fred's Hill Pit Resample Private Sand and Gravel
Fremont Butte STORY, PAPE & GILLESPIE BLM Administrative Area Uranium
Fremont Ridge Private Uranium
Government Federal Sand and Gravel
Graveyard Pit Private Sand and Gravel
Gros Ventre Range U.S. Government Federal Surface Phosphorus
Hecox Pit Private Sand and Gravel
Jack Creek Area BLM Administrative Area Uranium
Jake's Pit Private Sand and Gravel
John Paul No. 5 PAUL ALLEN Uranium
Johnson Pit Private Sand and Gravel
Juel Creek BLM Administrative Area Uranium
L L Pit Private Sand and Gravel
Lime Creek Phosphorus
Long Draw Pit Federal Sand and Gravel
Long Shot No 4 CLAUDE RIGGS National Forest Uranium
Longshot Claim National Forest Uranium
Lot Two Pit Private Sand and Gravel
Marsh Creek Pit Private Sand and Gravel
Middle Piney Lake Occurrence National Forest Phosphorus
Miner Pit National Forest Sand and Gravel
New Five Mile Pit Private Sand and Gravel
Noble Pit Private Sand and Gravel
North Pape Pit Private Sand and Gravel
Pape Pit Private Sand and Gravel
Pard 1-4 FEDERAL AMERICAN Private Uranium
Pocket Pit Private Sand and Gravel
Prospect Mountains BLM Administrative Area Uranium
Quarter Corner Pit Private Sand and Gravel
Que Pit Federal Sand and Gravel
Rainbow STEINBROOK Federal Uranium
Rex's Pit Private Sand and Gravel
Rim Draw (Placer?) National Forest Gold
Sand and Gravel
Rock Creek Phosphorus
Sandy Cal No. 2 FASHOW AND MEDILO Federal Uranium
Schiestler Peak molybdenum prospect National Wilderness Underground Molybdenum
Section 105, Trench GGL National Forest Phosphorus
Section 106, Trench HH National Forest Phosphorus
Sheep Mountain and Gypsum Creek Prospect National Forest Phosphorus
Shriver Sand & Gravel Pit Fred Shriver Private Sand and Gravel
Sink Hole Pit Lamb Construction Co Private Sand and Gravel
South Fork Gypsum Creek Prospect National Forest Phosphorus
South Fork North Piney Creek Occurrence National Forest Phosphorus
Speedway Pit State Sand and Gravel
Temple Peak Deposit National Forest Molybdenum
Thirteen Twenty Six Pit Federal Sand and Gravel
TKC Claims Adit Underground Gold
Tosi Creek Basin National Forest Iron
Tosi Creek/Bartlett Creek area National Forest Phosphorus
Tosi, Rock and Lime Creeks National Forest Phosphorus
Unidentified Iron Occurrence National Forest Iron
Unidentified Occurence National Forest Molybdenum
Unidentified Occurrence National Forest Clays
Unidentified Occurrence Phosphorus
Unidentified Occurrence National Forest Clays
Unidentified Occurrence National Forest Phosphorus
Unidentified Occurrence National Forest Phosphorus
Unidentified Occurrence National Forest Clays
Unidentified Occurrence (unverified) National Forest Phosphorus
Union Pass Magnetite Taconite National Forest Iron
Unknown Uranium
Unknown National Forest Clays
Unknown BLM Administrative Area Uranium
Unknown Private Sodium
Unknown BLM Administrative Area Uranium
Unknown National Forest Clays
Unknown National Forest Uranium
Unknown BLM Administrative Area Uranium
Unknown (occurrence of molydenum in float) National Forest Molybdenum
Wardell Pit Private Sand and Gravel
White Rock Prospect National Forest Phosphorus
Wind River Molybdenum
Wye Pit Mixed Sand and Gravel
Wyoming Range Combined U.S. Government Mixed Underground Phosphorus
Water, Free
Water, Free
Water, Free
Water, Free
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