Granville, NY Mines

Mines in Granville, New York

Mine Owner Land Status Work Type Minerals
Bullfrog Hollow Quarry (Taran Slate Co.) Taran Slate Co. Poultney, Vt Private Surface Stone, Dimension
Bush Quarry Private Surface Stone, Dimension
Church Road Quarry Private Stone, Dimension
Church Road Quarry Bassett Brothers Slate Quarries Private Stone, Dimension
Clay Quarry Private Stone, Dimension
Clay Quarry Somich Brothers Slate Co. Private Stone, Dimension
De Kalb Quarries Surface Stone, Dimension
Eagle Red Slate Co Quarries Eagle Red Slate Co. Surface Stone, Dimension
Elvell Quarry Ritchie Brothers Slate Co., Inc. Private Stone, Dimension
Glebeland Quarry Lorraine O'Brien North St. Granville, Ny. Private Surface Stone, Dimension
Green Mtn Slate/Middle Granville Ny Private Stone, Dimension
Hilltop Red Quarry Private Stone, Dimension
Hilltop Slate Company, Inc. Hilltop Slate Co., Inc. Private Stone, Dimension
Hudy Quarry and Mill Charles Hudy Private Stone, Dimension
Hudy Quarry and Mill Charles Hudy Private Stone, Dimension
Hugh Williams Quarry Surface Stone, Dimension
J.J. Mc Donough Quarry Stone, Dimension
John J. Williams Quarry John J. Williams Surface Stone, Dimension
Jones and Roberts Quarry Private Surface Stone, Dimension
Kehoe Bros. Quarries Private Surface Stone, Dimension
Manhattan Red Slate Quarries Manhattan Red Slate Co. Stone, Dimension
Matthew Slate Co. Quarry H. H. Matthews Of Boston Surface Stone, Dimension
Mccullen Quarry No. 1 and Mill Private Stone, Dimension
Mccullen Quarry No. 2 Private Stone, Dimension
Mccullen Slate Quarry No. 1 & 2 Mc Cullen Slate Inc. Private Stone, Crushed
Mettowee Quarry Surface Stone, Dimension
Mettowee Red Slate Co. Quarry Stone, Dimension
Michael Labas Quarry and Mill Michael Labas Private Stone, Dimension
Michael Labas Slate Quarry and Mill Michael Labas Private Stone, Dimension
Middle Granville Quarry Williams Brothers Slate Co. Private Stone, Dimension
Mineral Hill Slate Co. Quarry Private Stone, Dimension
Mineral Hill Slate Co. Quarry Mineral Hill Slate Co. Private Stone, Dimension
Newmont Quarry Private Surface Stone, Dimension
Nixon Red Slate Co. Surface Stone, Dimension
North Bend Quarry Stone, Dimension
Norton Bros. Quarries Private Surface Stone, Dimension
Old Dennison Quarry Stone, Dimension
Penrhyn Hill Vein Slate Quarry Private Stone, Dimension
Penrhyn Hill Vein Slate Quarry Darius Slate Products Private Stone, Dimension
Penrhyn Red Quarry Roberts Slate Co., Inc. Private Stone, Crushed
Penrhyn Slate Co Quarries Surface Stone, Dimension
Penryhn Hill Quarry Roberts Slate Co., Inc. Private Stone, Crushed
Phillips Quarry Ritchie Brothers Slate Co., Inc. Private Stone, Dimension
Plisko Slate Quarry and Mill Pl1sko Slate Co. Private Stone, Dimension
Plisko Slate Quarry and Mill Plisko Slate Co. Private Stone, Dimension
Pritchard Quarries Robert B. Pritchard Surface Stone, Dimension
R.A. Hall Quarry R. A. Hall Surface Stone, Dimension
Red Quarry Green Mountain Slate Co., Inc. Private Stone, Crushed
Ritchie Brothers Slate Co. Quarry Private Stone, Dimension
Sheldon Slate Co. Pawlet Quarries Private Surface Stone, Dimension
Sheldon Slate Co. Rupert Quarry Private Surface Stone, Dimension
Sheldon Slate Quarry Private Stone, Dimension
Sheldon Slate Quarry Sheldon Slate Products Co Private Stone, Dimension
Shurbert Quarry Ritchie Brothers Slate Co., Inc. Private Stone, Crushed
Slate Tile Company Quarry Slatetile Inc. Private Stone, Dimension
Slate Tile Company Quarry and Mill Private Stone, Dimension
Slatetile Company Slatetile Co. Private Stone, Dimension
Smiths Basin Quarries Limestone
Tatko Slate Mill/Middle Granville Private Stone, Dimension
Unnamed Private Surface Stone, Dimension
Unnamed Occurrence Stone, Dimension
Unnamed Quarries F. Sweet Stone, Dimension
Unnamed Quarries Stone, Dimension
Unnamed Quarry Stone, Dimension
Unnamed Quarry Surface Stone, Dimension
Unnamed Quarry Evan J. Roberts And John Hughes Surface Stone, Dimension
Wallace and Hitchcock Quarry Stone, Dimension
Western Slate Quarry and Mill Private Stone, Dimension
William and Allen Red Quarry Surface Stone, Dimension
William F. Williams and Sons Quarry Surface Stone, Dimension
Williams Bros. Quarry Williams Brothers Slate Co. Private Stone, Crushed
Williams Quarry Thomas Williams Stone, Dimension
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