Mines in Cohoes, New York
Mine |
Owner |
Land Status |
Work Type |
Minerals |
Cohoes |
Northern Lightweight Aggregate Inc. |
Clays |
Cohoes Clay Pit |
Clays |
Cohoes Clay Pit |
Private |
Clays |
Cohoes Clay Pit |
Private |
Clays |
Cohoes Mine |
Norlite Corp. |
Private |
Stone, Crushed |
Cohoes Mine and Mill |
Private |
Stone, Crushed |
Crescent Clay Pit |
Clays |
Fort Ferry Pit |
Private |
Sand and Gravel |
Joseph R. Wunderlich, Inc. |
J. R. Wunderlich, Inc. |
Private |
Sand and Gravel |
Pollock Pit |
Private |
Sand and Gravel |
Pollock Pit |
J. R. Wunderlich, Inc. |
Private |
Sand and Gravel |
Troy Clay Pit |
Clays |