Basin, MT Lead Mines

Lead Mines in Basin, Montana

Mine Owner Land Status Work Type Minerals
Ada National Forest Lead
Ada Mine National Forest Underground Lead
Agnes-Highland Group National Forest Lead
Alice Lode W. R. Roscow Underground Lead
Alice Lode W. R. Roscow Lead
Alice Lode National Forest Lead
Alice Mine Lead
Alley National Forest Lead
Alley Mine National Forest Underground Lead
American Flag National Forest Lead
American Flag Mine National Forest Lead
Amy Silversmith Mine Lead
Anselmo Mine Lead
Anselmo Mine The Anaconda Copper Co. Private Underground Lead
Aquarius Mine National Forest Lead
Armstrong Mine Unknown Lead
Aurora Mine National Forest Underground Lead
Aurora Mine National Forest Lead
Badger Mine Lead
Badger Mine The Anaconda Copper Co. Private Underground Lead
Basin (Cataract, Comet) District VARIOUS OWNERS Lead
Basin Bell National Forest Lead
Basin Goldfields National Forest Lead
Basin Jibe Mine Unknown Lead
Beaver's Prospect National Forest Lead
Bell Mine National Forest Lead
Belmont Mine Lead
Best Hope Mine Lead
Best Hope Mine Unknown Lead
Betsy Ross Mine Unknown Lead
Betsy Ross Mine National Forest Lead
Billie Toten National Forest Lead
Black Bear National Forest Lead
Black Bear Mine National Forest Underground Lead
Black Rock Unknown Lead
Black Rock Mine Lead
Blubell Health National Forest Lead
Boulder National Forest Lead
Boulder Chief Mine John H. Shober, Helena, And Margaret Evans. National Forest Surface/Underground Lead
Boulder Mine National Forest Unknown Lead
Buckeye National Forest Lead
Buckeye Mine M. R. Anderson, National Forest Underground Lead
Bullion National Forest Lead
Bullion National Forest Lead
Bullion Mine National Forest Lead
Bullion Mine National Forest Lead
Bunker Hill National Forest Underground Lead
Bunker Hill Mine National Forest Underground Lead
Butte & Philadelphia National Forest Lead
Butte and Philadelphia Prospect National Forest Underground Lead
Butte District ANACONDA COMPANY Lead
Butte, Veins (Anaconda) Lead
Butte- Elk Park Extension Unknown Lead
Butte-Elk Park Extension Mine Ardsley Butte Mine Corp. National Forest Underground Lead
Carlson National Forest Lead
Carlson Prospect National Forest Lead
Carver Tailings Lead
Carver Tailings Unknown Lead
Comstock National Forest Lead
Comstock Group Howard Johnson, Butte. (Two Claims Pat) P.K. Williams, Helena, And W.L. Sand Quist And George Mayer, Surface/Underground Lead
Copper Dyke Mine National Forest Lead
Cracker National Forest Lead
Cracker Mine W. E. Paget, John Macginniss National Forest Unknown Lead
Crescent Mine National Forest Unknown Lead
Crescent Mine Hall, William A. National Forest Lead
Crystal Group Bullock Brothers, Inc National Forest Lead
Crystal Mine Underground Lead
Crystal Mine National Forest Lead
Custer Mine National Forest Unknown Lead
Czarina Mine Private Underground Lead
Daily West Mine National Forest Lead
Daily West Mine National Forest Lead
Daniel Stanton National Forest Lead
Daniel Stanton Mine National Forest Lead
Doris National Forest Lead
Doris Mine National Forest Lead
Eagle Bird Lead
East Katie National Forest Lead
East Katie Mine National Forest Lead
Edelweiss Mine Mascot Silver-Lead Mines Inc. National Forest Lead
Eldelweiss Mine National Forest Lead
Eldorado & Plateau National Forest Lead
Eldorado and Plateau National Forest Lead
Elk Park District Lead
Elliston Consolidated Group National Forest Lead
Elmer National Forest Lead
Emma Mine Lead
Enterprise National Forest Lead
Enterprise Mine Hauser Investment Co. National Forest Unknown Lead
Eureka National Forest Lead
Eureka Mine National Forest Underground Lead
Eureka Mine Lead
Eureka Mine Kolberg, Arnold J. Unknown Lead
Eva May National Forest Lead
Eva May Mine National Forest Surface/Underground Lead
Eveline & Twilight Private Lead
Evening Star National Forest Lead
Evergreen National Forest Lead
Evergreen Mine National Forest Lead
Free Speech Mine National Forest Lead
Free Speech Number One National Forest Lead
Freeburg Mine National Forest Lead
Frohner Group National Forest Lead
Frohner Mine C. E. Pew National Forest Underground Lead
Golconda Lead
Golden Assets Mine National Forest Lead
Goldsmith Mine Underground Lead
Gray Eagle Mine Underground Lead
Gray Lead National Forest Lead
Greater Montana Mine Unknown Lead
Gregory Lead
Grey Eagle Unknown Lead
Grey Lead National Forest Lead
Hamlet Mine National Forest Lead
Hamlet Mine National Forest Lead
Hanna National Forest Lead
Hattie Ferguson National Forest Lead
Hattie Ferguson Mine National Forest Underground Lead
Hawkeye National Recreation Area Lead
Hawkeye Mine National Forest Surface/Underground Lead
Helper Mine National Forest Lead
Helper Mine National Forest Lead
Hiawatha Unknown Lead
Hiawattaha Mine National Forest Unknown Lead
Hibernia Mine Lead
Hidden Treasure Mine Lead
Hidden Treasure Mine National Forest Lead
High Ore BLM Administrative Area Lead
High Ore Mine Howard And Alice Johnson Unknown Lead
Humbolt Mine Lead
Ida M. National Forest Lead
Ida M. Mine E. A. Mcphearson National Forest Unknown Lead
Ida May Mine National Forest Lead
Ida May Mine National Forest Lead
Independence Mine Unknown Lead
Interocean Tunnel National Forest Lead
Isele and Tiger Claims Lead
J J Hill Claims National Forest Lead
Jib Group National Forest Underground Lead
John T. National Forest Lead
John T. Mine National Forest Lead
Johnny Mine National Forest Lead
Johny Mine National Forest Lead
Josephine National Forest Lead
Josephine Mine H. G. Mcclernan National Forest Surface/Underground Lead
Jumbo National Forest Lead
Jumbo Prospect Buford Nyland, Murry E. Gow National Forest Lead
Justice Clementh National Forest Lead
Justice Mine National Forest Underground Lead
King Cole BLM Administrative Area Lead
Klondyke National Forest Lead
Klondyke Mine National Forest Underground Lead
Lady Hennessey National Forest Lead
Lady Hennessey Mine National Forest Lead
Lady Leith National Forest Lead
Lee Mountain Cooper, A. T., Mgr. National Forest Underground Lead
Lee Mountain National Forest Underground Lead
Leonard Mine Private Lead
Lexington National Forest Lead
Lexington Anaconda Copper Co. Private Underground Lead
Lexington Mine National Forest Unknown Lead
Lexington Mine Underground Lead
Lilly-Orphan Boy Group National Forest Surface/Underground Lead
Little Lilly National Forest Lead
Little Mina Lead
Little Mina National Forest Lead
Little Sampson Mine National Forest Unknown Lead
Lizzie Mine Lead
Lizzie Osborne Lead
Lizzie Osborne Prospect National Forest Underground Lead
Locality 18 National Forest Lead
Loeber National Forest Lead
Loeber Mine National Forest Lead
Lowland District Lead
Lucky Linda Mine National Forest Lead
Lula Belle National Forest Lead
Mae Lilly Mine National Forest Lead
Mae Lilly Mine National Forest Lead
Magna Charta Mine Lead
Major Budd Lead
Mammoth National Forest Lead
Mammoth Mine National Forest Lead
Manhattan National Forest Lead
Manhattan Mine National Forest Underground Lead
Mantle and South Mantle Mine National Forest Underground Lead
Marget Ann Mine Lead
Marie Lead
Mat Mine Lead
Mcawber National Forest Lead
Mccawber Mine National Forest Lead
Merry Widow National Forest Lead
Minneapolis National Forest Lead
Minneapolis Mine National Forest Underground Lead
Minnie Jane Mine Underground Lead
Missoula Private Lead
Montana Miing Properties Montana Mining Properties Private Lead
Montana No. 1 Lode Lead
Montana Resources (Butte/Berkely/Continental) Montana Resources Inc. Private Surface Lead
Monte Christo Mine National Forest Lead
Monte Cristo Mine National Forest Underground Lead
Montreal Star National Forest Lead
Moose Mine Lead
Morning Glory National Forest Lead
Morning Glory Mine Underground Lead
Morning Mine National Forest Surface/Underground Lead
Morning Mine National Forest Lead
Morning Star Mine National Forest Lead
Morning Star Mine National Forest Lead
Moulton Mine Lead
Mountain Boy Mine Unknown Lead
Mountain Con Mine The Anaconda Copper Co. Private Underground Lead
Mt Chief Mine National Forest Surface/Underground Lead
Mt Thompson Underground Lead
Mt. Chief National Forest Lead
Mt. Queen Mine National Forest Lead
Mt. Thompson BLM Administrative Area Lead
Nellie National Forest Lead
Nellie Grant Mine National Forest Lead
Nellie Grant Mine National Forest Lead
Nellie Mine National Forest Unknown Lead
Nettie Hibernia Unknown Lead
Nettie Mine Lead
Niagra Mine Lead
Nipper Mine Lead
North Boulder Lead National Forest Lead
North Butte National Forest Lead
North Pacific Mine National Forest Lead
Norwich Mine Private Underground Lead
Norwich-Platus Mine Lead
O.H.Bassett National Forest Lead
O.H.Bassett Mine National Forest Underground Lead
Obelisk BLM Administrative Area Lead
Obelisk Mine Underground Lead
Ontario National Forest Lead
Ontario Mine National Forest Underground Lead
Orphan Girl Mine Lead
Otisco Mine Unknown Lead
Otisco Mine National Forest Lead
Panama National Forest Lead
Panama Mine National Forest Lead
Peerless Jennie National Forest Lead
Peerless Jennie Mine National Forest Underground Lead
Pen Yan Mine John Williams, Boulder; Stanley Reilly, Wickes; Paul Smith, Helena;,Maurice Nelligaan, Boulder. National Forest Lead
Piermont No. 1 East National Forest Lead
Pipestone District Lead
Prospector Mine Lead
Queen of the Hills Lead
Queen of the Hills Unknown Lead
Rainbow Project New Butte Mining Private Underground Lead
Rampart Mine-Major Budd Vein National Forest Lead
Ray Jensen Mineral Deposit Claim National Forest Lead
Red Mountain Nilson Enterprises National Forest Underground Lead
Red Mountain Tunnel National Forest Unknown Lead
Red Water Private Lead
Red Wing National Forest Lead
Red Wing Mine W. L. Sandquist Underground Lead
Reliance Mine Lead
Rimini Lead
Rimini District MONTANA LEAD CO. Lead
Rising Sun Claim National Forest Lead
Rising Sun Claims Lead
Rose Mine National Forest Lead
Rose Mine National Forest Lead
Ruby Mine Ruby Silver Mines, Inc. National Forest Underground Lead
Russel Mine National Forest Lead
Russel Mine National Forest Lead
Ryan Private Lead
S.P. Bassett National Forest Lead
S.P.Bassett National Forest Lead
Saturday Night Mine National Forest Underground Lead
Silmont Claims Unknown Lead
Silver Cord National Forest Lead
Silver Cord Mine National Forest Lead
Silver Cresent Mine National Forest Lead
Silver King Mine Lead
Silver Lick Lead
Sirius National Forest Lead
Sirius Mine National Forest Underground Lead
Solar Mine Alta Madden, Basin, Mt. And Gertrude Mc Connell, Clancy, Mt. National Forest Surface/Underground Lead
Solar Rearl National Forest Lead
South Pacific Mine National Forest Lead
South Pacific Mine National Forest Lead
Springfield Mine Lead
St Lawrence National Forest Lead
Summit Mine National Forest Lead
Sunset Unknown Lead
Sunset Mine Lenora Scalabrin Lead
Surething Mine National Forest Lead
Suretming Mine National Forest Lead
Teal Lake National Forest Lead
Teal Lake Mine National Forest Lead
Tidewater Investment Company Unknown Lead
Totten Mine National Forest Unknown Lead
Totten Mine National Forest Lead
Transit Mine National Forest Lead
Transit Mines National Forest Lead
Travona Anaconda Co. Private Lead
Travona Mine Lead
Uncle Sam National Forest Lead
Uncle Sam Mine National Forest Surface/Underground Lead
Unknown Ag Mine Banner Creek. National Forest Lead
Unknown Ag Mine Head of Lump Gulch Lead
Unknown Ag Mine Lumber Gulch Lead
Unknown Ag Mine Lump Gulch National Forest Underground Lead
Unnamed Lead National Forest Lead
Unnamed Lead National Forest Lead
Unnamed Lead & Silver Unknown Lead
Unnamed Manganese Mine Lead
Unnamed Mine National Forest Lead
Unnamed Mine National Forest Lead
Valdemere Mine Lead
Valdemere Mine National Forest Lead
Valley Forge National Forest Lead
Valley Forge Mine National Forest Underground Lead
Vindicator National Forest Lead
Vindicator Mine National Forest Surface/Underground Lead
Virginia Mine Lead
Virginia Mine Unknown Lead
Waldy National Forest Lead
Waldy Mine Lead
Whitetail District Lead
Winters Camp National Forest Lead
Wolftone National Forest Lead
Wolftone Mine National Forest Lead
Yama Group Frank Yama National Forest Lead
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